10 reasons why it’s great to be short

10 reasons why it’s great to be short

Darina Schweizer
Translation: Eva Francis

Short people are often belittled. Wrongly so, as you’ll read in the following article. Here are 10 reasons why being smallis actually extremely useful.

I’m 164 centimetres «tall» and I’ve had enough. Enough of people asking me what the weather’s like down here and telling me my head’s a great armrest. No, you don’t need to pick me up. And yes, it smells at armpit height. These questions and comments often come with a hint of pity. «I bet you’d like to be taller?» I’ve been asked – and I’d have loved to answer: «I bet you’d like to be nicer?»

Kitchen struggles – who put the wok up there?
Kitchen struggles – who put the wok up there?
Source: Darina Schweizer

It’s high time to get rid of the notion that being short is a disadvantage. Here are ten reasons why it’s great to be short.

1. Lots of legroom

In cars, on trains or aeroplanes, short people always have enough space. On a Swiss flight, for example, my husband’s knees touch the seat in front of him, while I have almost 20 centimetres of empty space (see cover picture). Plus, and this will hurt tall people, I can even stretch my legs.

2. Pretty small shoes

A short body often comes with small feet. Shoes in size 36 look more elegant and there’s often a huge choice in sales, because most women wear size 38 or 39. I have an even larger selection, as children’s shoes fit me, too. And small shoes don’t take up as much space on the shelf, which is also handy.

With shoe size 36, you’ll even fit into kids’ shoes.
With shoe size 36, you’ll even fit into kids’ shoes.
Source: Darina Schweizer

3. Trousers are never too short

Flood pants? Not with my dachshund legs. All trousers reach at least down to my ankles, even cropped jeans. If they’re too long, I just roll them up or have them shortened.

4. Stretching out on the bed

What tall people often struggle with on holidays is never a problem for me: short beds. I can stretch out anywhere without my feet sticking out or touching the bed frame. Even across the width of the bed, if I like.

5. No ducking

Ever bumped your head on a ceiling or door frame? It hurts, they say. Not that it’s ever happened to me. And by looking up at taller people, I even work on my good, upright posture.

6. Always on the move

Short people have a rather low centre of gravity. This means they’re more stable and agile, for example in sports. Speaking of which, next time you’re laughing at a short person who has to run to keep up with your walking pace, just remember they’re burning more calories than you. The faster you walk, the fitter we get.

Looking at the length of our legs, it’s no surprise I often have to run to keep up.
Looking at the length of our legs, it’s no surprise I often have to run to keep up.
Source: Darina Schweizer

7. Short fall

Even if I don’t fall over much thanks to my compact anatomy (see point 6), if I do, I don’t fall far. This short body’s never seen a broken bone in its life.

8. Less strain on your body

I’m not done with the physical advantages. Research shows the heart and joints (link in German) of short people are less strained than those of tall people. Why? Short people have a lower blood volume and body mass. Their risk of thrombosis and certain types of cancer is also lower.

9. Under the radar

I don’t like taking advantage of situations – unless I can make use of other people’s prejudices. In some situations, being underestimated as a small woman can come in handy. People have (literally) no high expectations of you. Plus, because you don’t stand out, you can get a head start in competitive situations without being noticed. Nobody will stop you. And you’re sure to be waved through any checkpoint you ever pass.

10. Saving money comes naturally

Short people spend less money on food and drink, as they’re full up and tipsy faster. They also need less care product such as skin cream or sun cream.

As you can see, I’m 164 centimetres «tall» and I’ve had enough. You’re never too short to be a good sport.

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Hailo K30 Standard Line

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LogiLink Footrest

Hailo K30 Standard Line (Stepladder, 54 cm)
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Hailo K30 Standard Line

Stepladder, 54 cm

What’s your opinion on advantages of being tall or short? Let me know in the comments!

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I like anything that has four legs or roots. The books I enjoy let me peer into the abyss of the human psyche. Unlike those wretched mountains that are forever blocking the view – especially of the sea. Lighthouses are a great place for getting some fresh air too, you know? 

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