Bored on the loo? Here are 8 activities to pass the time
The smartphone is one of those things that accompanies us everywhere – really, everywhere. We’ve put together a few things to do if you find yourself sitting on the toilet without your cell phone.
We all know the situation. You’ve just sat down on the toilet to do your business, big or small. Suddenly, it dawns on you – «I’ve forgotten my phone!» Although the ceramic throne would really be the perfect place to slow down for a moment, around half of Europeans reach for their smartphone on the toilet, scrolling through social media and news feeds. Time to break old bowl patterns and open up to new activities during your business. So, I asked our editorial team for tips to remember during longer sessions – and I wasn’t disappointed.
1. Get out the magazines
Anyone who used a toilet before the cell phone era will agree with me here. There are few things more relaxing than leafing through magazines in peace and quiet. The best thing to do is to look for that box of old collectibles in the cellar or attic, install a magazine rack in the toilet and put them in there. After all, tidiness is also a must in the toilet.
2. Close your eyes and snooze
What might raise eyebrows in the office is completely peaceful and relaxing in the loo. Close your eyes and concentrate only on yourself for a moment. But careful: too much relaxation could cause you to fall asleep on the throne. I doubt whether this’ll be comfortable in the long run, so try at your own risk If the toilet is flooded with cold light, a sleep mask should help you switch off.
3. Keep a guestbook
It goes down well in hotels and restaurants, so it should make for joyful moments in the restroom. A guest book placed next to the bowl guarantees your guests an exciting activity in reading and writing, and you’ll regularly receive new greetings. Win-win.
4. Let the ideas flow
We sometimes have our most creative moments in the loo. To ensure that none of your ideas or sketches are forgotten, you can immortalise them on a drawing board, for example. Any crappy ideas can be wiped without a trace – all in the spirit of a clean toilet.
5. Never stop learning
Why not jump straight in and read that bestseller on the subject of the gut? Non-fiction book «Darm mit Charme» (only in German) will provide you with everything you need to know about this underestimated organ. Easy to digest and really enlightening.
6. Become a number puzzle champion
Humans are quiz and puzzle animals. To solve one of those legendary Sudoku puzzles, you don’t necessarily need to be holding a newspaper while commuting. After all, Sudoku is even available printed on toilet paper. All you need is a pen. Important: puzzle first, then wipe – not the other way around. [[Product:23844218]]
7. Train your free throws
How about a basketball hoop? Nothing speaks against a few free throws while sitting down. Sure, this workout probably won’t be enough for an NBA draft, but at least you’ll keep moving up top.
8. Let there be light
You can treat yourself and your backside to a little enlightenment – in the truest sense of the word. With this LED toilet light, nothing stands in the way of your toilet disco. We’ve already tested it. [[Product:38709061]]
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