DigitalPhotoNAS-Systeme - Für Fotos und Videos: Speichersysteme im TestReleaseJuly 2023
TÜV-certified cloud storage
High data security
Usable from any device via app and web
Up to 10 terabytes of memory
Comparatively slow as cloud storage
Without ratingNo rating
CT MagazinSingle testReleaseFebruary 2023
These two QNAP NAS for small and medium-sized businesses only differ in details, the TS-264 is expandable via PCIe slot, the TS-253E is available and supported for the long term. If you want to buy a small QNAP NAS, you can't go wrong with either and can choose based on the features.
Very good92/100
Rank 2 out of 5Computer BildTest NAS-Festplatten - Fünf kompakte Modelle im TestReleaseJanuary 2023
Very high speed
Very wide range of functions
High price
Consumes much more power than the test winner
The TS-264 is much more expensive, but also much faster in data transfer, thanks to the two network sockets with 2.5 gigabits per second. As with the test winner, the QNAP also has a huge range of functions and many apps for mobile phones or tablets. The setup is simple, but takes a long time.