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Eizo EV3895 (3840 x 1600 pixels, 38")

Eizo EV3895

3840 x 1600 pixels, 38"

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3 years ago


3 years ago

Helpful answer

1) If possible, use the USB-C function, which allows 4K and 60Hz, HDMI would also work.[ParseLineBreaks]][[ParseLineBreaks]]2) The white device has a higher HDMI standard that does not exist (the maximum that is currently available is HDMI 2.1), so you can also buy the black model.[[ParseLineBreaks]][[ParseLineBreaks]]The Eizo products are quite expensive. If it doesn't have to be Eizo, I would recommend this device, it even has a built-in docking function with LAN connection and can also charge the HP notebook via USB-C:[[ParseLineBreaks]][[ParseLineBreaks]][Dell U3821DW (38 ", 3840 x 1600 Pixels)