Product details
Now Goro Majima has found himself in a difficult situation. Goro, the notorious former yakuza, is stranded on a remote Pacific island. He can't even remember his own name, so Goro sets off with Noah, the boy who rescued him, to search for his lost memories. They soon find themselves caught up in a battle between merciless criminals, modern-day pirates and other villains fighting over a legendary treasure.
Assemble a unique crew as you upgrade your ship, explore the open sea, grow into a legend under a hail of enemy fire, make unexpected friends and earn vast riches during your journey. When an enemy ship targets you, exciting real-time cannon battles are triggered. Move quickly to take up positions while dodging incoming fire, then inflict devastating damage to board the enemy ship and defeat its crew in fierce hand-to-hand combat. Conquer the seas, discover hidden islands and score plenty of loot like a true yakuza pirate.
Genre | Action |
Gaming platform | PS5 Games |
Country version Packaging | PEGI and USK |
PEGI | 18 years |
USK | 18 years |
Item number | 49752435 |