Corsair Xeneon 315QHD165 (2560 x 1440 pixels, 31.50")

Corsair Xeneon 315QHD165

2560 x 1440 pixels, 31.50"

Question about Xeneon 315QHD165 - 665758

I can't find anything online about the " Corsair Xeneon 315QHD165" Is it good, I would upgrade from a 27" 1440p 144hz Acer VG270UP which also has an IPS panel. But I don't want to be disappointed.

Helpful answer

This screen is a little bigger than your current one, but the resolution is the same. The 165Hz is a little faster, but you will probably notice a big difference in this respect. The Corsair is also HDR-ready. It's up to you to decide whether this upgrade is worth it - alternatively, there is also the right of return.