Unitec Smoke detector

Product details

Key specifications

Hazard detector type
Smoke detectors
Alarm signal
Acoustic warning
Optical warning signal
Sound power level
85 dB
Item number

General information

Release date

Hazard detector properties

Hazard detector type
Smoke detectors
Alarm signal
Acoustic warning
Optical warning signal
Sound power level
85 dB

Reviews & Ratings

Translation: machine translated
Overall ratingVery good84/100
Rank 10 out of 16Stiftung Warentest16 Rauchmelder 01/2021ReleaseFebruary 2024

Smoke detectors now compulsory throughout Germany Smoke detectors have been mandatory in new buildings throughout Germany for some time. For old buildings, there was still a transitional period. Since 1 January 2021, smoke alarms have been mandatory in all houses and flats. Smoke detectors in the test: Good and cheap - that's the way to go Whether standard smoke alarms or those that can be networked...

Very good88/100
Testmagazin Logo
Rank 12 out of 13TestmagazinDie Sicherheit im Fokus - unscheinbarer Schutz vor Feuer& Rauch - 13 Rauchmelder im TestReleaseMay 2023
  • PositiveSize of the button (Ømax d. button: 114 milli- metres)
  • PositiveFast & reliable response - without wind (To when smoke is emitted from d: 3 metres: 39.3 & 145.0 seconds)
  • PositiveHigh sound pressure level of the normal alarm (LP -P max from d: 3 metres: 87.2 dB).
  • PositivePower source available from factory (1 x CR123A, 3V - non-replaceable)
  • PositiveMaximum sound output of the test alarm (LP max from d: 1 metre: 82.6 dB)
  • NegativeBase is more difficult to screw together

The response behaviour of this smoke detector proved to be really impressive - but only when there was no wind blowing through the house and swirling the smoke (too. & m. wind: 39.1 & 144.5 seconds). Furthermore, it is nice to know that the sound emitted when trying out the alarm is very moderate (Lp max from d metre: 82.8 dB).