Withings Body Scan
200 kg
Withings Body Scan
200 kg
Due to different suppliers and delivery conditions, there may be price differences compared to other suppliers. We always endeavour to offer a price in line with the market. However, this is not possible for all products.
Here you will find all the services and benefits you can get with the "Withings+" service: https://www.withings.com/ch/de/withings-plus?_gl=1*195ijqr*_up*MQ..&gclid=Cj0KCQiA-62tBhDSARIsAO7twbahMcY2LCtYhO29AHxs_C-yB9a1THchZMPgM1WadlPi0Ty8TO2qI0UaAg7mEALw_wcB
According to the manufacturer, everything else should be free of charge, as should the app itself.
Unfortunately, we currently have no information on when and if the white version of the Withings Body Scan will be available in our range.
As an alternative, you might like the Withings Body Comp in white: Withings Body Comp (200 kg)
It also works without the rod. There are simply a few measurements that are not active, but standard things are measured normally even without the rod.