Round and relaxing – curved sofas are on the rise
Corner sofas are out. Instead, this micro trend is gaining momentum, as I discovered at Milan Design Week.
Curved sofas have been popular for some time, but now they’re really taking off – and rightly so. There are several reasons why round sofa designs make rooms look stylish and inviting.
Characterised by their gentle silhouette, they’re ideal for structuring open areas and filling corners or niches. Their curved shape promotes a harmonious flow of movement in a room and brings people together. After all, the more curved their design, the better you can sit opposite each other.

Source: Pia Seidel

Source: Pia Seidel

Source: Pia Seidel
Depending on the style, these icons come in different looks. Scandinavian sofas are often characterised by bright colours and fabric covers made of wool. Retro and mid-century modern models, on the other hand, are reminiscent of the 1950s and 60s. They’re often designed with elegant legs and velvet fabrics in bold colours such as deep blue, green or red. In other words, there’s something for every taste.
Interior trend: modularity and organic shapes
Curved sofas are an expression of a larger furniture design trend towards soft, flowing shapes. They set a deliberate contrast to the clear, minimalist lines that have dominated the scene in recent years. This change promotes a relaxed, cosy living room atmosphere. A welcome change, as living rooms are often shaped with rigid right angles.

Source: Pia Seidel
At the same time, flexible seating solutions are an increasingly popular choice for making the best use of open-plan living spaces. Round, modular sofas with elegant curves fit perfectly into many room layouts.
Curved sofas for your home
So if you’d like to join the trend, here’s a selection of sofas that look like sculptures and create a lively living landscape. The Chiara collection by Maison Heritage and the Lupine or Miley models by Micadoni, for example, offer modular solutions, while sofas such as Ossana by Vente-unique or Chaumont by Beliani stand out as individual pieces.
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